
Find number of nodes

RETURN count(*)
as count;

Get all labels

START n=node(*) RETURN labels(n)

Install Vim Plugins as Submodules

Step 1

$ git submodule add http:// bundle/surround

Step 2

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Berkshelf a Vagrant Plugin

Berkshelf is a bundler-like dependency manger for Chef cookbook. vagrant-berkshelf is a Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to Chef provisioners to avoid the need to install cookbooks locally and have everything ready when you bring vagrant up.

How to use?

Install vagrant-berkshelf

Manage Your Cookbooks With Librarian-chef

librarian-chef is like a bundler for cookbooks. Manage your cookbooks and dependencies in a single file.

Here is how

$ gem install librarian-chef
$ librarian-chef init
# edit the newly created Cheffile to add your cookbooks
$ librarian-chef install

Cookboks listed in the Cheffile will be downloaded to the cookbooks folder, you will also noticed a Cheffile.lock is created locking the versions.

RubyProf: Identify Your Pain Points

We all have been there: the site worked great in development but not so great in Production. Time to optimize! but… How to know what to optimize?

RubyProf is a fast code profiler for Ruby which helps you find pain points in your code by providing different measure parameters including call times, memory usage and object applications.

Starting With a Blog With Octopress

I decided to start a new technical blog, the main purpose is to keep a record of things I have learned which could potentially help others. My first obvious choice was Wordpress after all is the number one bloging engine out there but somebody mentioned Octopress and so here we are.

Octopress is a framework for Jekyll the blog static site generator powering Github Pages. If you enjoy working with the console then Octopress will feel very comfortable. There are a lot of resources out there to get you started with Jekyll and github pages, Octopress just makes it dead simple to get up and running in no time and there are a lot of themes and plugins ready to use to make your blog your own.

Use your favorite editor, commit to Github, deploy with a simple rake task and host your blog at Github for free. How can you go wrong with that?